3351 DIGM + Graphic Production Process Control I + Digital Portfolio

Grayscale Halftone Vector vs Raster Dot Gain Custom Dot Gain Tone Target/Correction Newsletter

Caitlyn Easter

Business Card National Geographic Yearbook XMPie II XMPie VDP Brand Coupon PREPs 32pg Booklet PREPs 8pg Booklet
VDP Brand Coupon Assignment
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For this assignment, we applied the knowledge from the previous assignment to create postcards advertising our services. While the design of the postcard was not restricted, we had to use many elements that we previously learned. I created a company branded QC code, intelligent mailing code and a unique barcode. Most importantly, we had to follow the post office template for mailed material. This was a strict template, because if these were to be used any deviation—such as content in designated white space—would cause the material to be discarded automatically by post office automated machines.


For my design, I utilized the style guide that I create in the previous semester. I chose to target small businesses. I added to the information database to include:

• Customers’ business (string)

• Business creation date (year as number xxxx)

• Customer’s website (y = yes, n = no)

• Customer’s pet (y = yes, n = no)


If the customer had a pet, their postcard included a discount code for PetSmart. I also created a unique discount code that was generated by their data fields. If the customer did not have a website, their postcard would also advertise my website development services.


 Another neat feature was the time script I created that would address the date the business was created and offer information based on if the business was open or if they were planning to launch in the future. I followed the same imposition and print steps as the bakery assignment: used dynamic print in the XMPie window, impose all the cards on multiple sheets, and ended up with a 2x4 of postcard ready to be printed double-sided, turning on the short edge.


  Fall 2017 + Caitlyn EASTER + 3351 DIGM + Graphic Production Process Control I + Digital Portfolio