3351 DIGM + Graphic Production Process Control I + Digital Portfolio

Grayscale Halftone Vector vs Raster Dot Gain Custom Dot Gain Tone Target/Correction Newsletter

Caitlyn Easter

Business Card National Geographic Yearbook XMPie II XMPie VDP Brand Coupon PREPs 32pg Booklet PREPs 8pg Booklet
XMPie Assignment I
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 For this project we used XMPie software to create a college flyer. XMPie is marketing software used to create variable data fields. This is much like the previous work with the Nat. Geo. assignment. However, on chear difference is that XMPie utilizes programming functions much like JavaScript, PHP and other programming languages.


Much like the Nat. Geo. and yearbook assignment, we used vairable data to personalize the final product--in this assignemnt, it wa a college admissions flyer. The data was based on the students school of academia, GPA, etc. A key use of the XMPie software was when we had to determind styling, and scholarship approval based on variables. So, we had to create "if" statements that told inDesign what to display and where.


One specific statement was determining if the student qualified for a scholarship. The statement coded translated to "If the student's GPA was acceptable, then display scholarship layer." The scholarship layer would only display if the student was eligble.

  Fall 2017 + Caitlyn EASTER + 3351 DIGM + Graphic Production Process Control I + Digital Portfolio