DIGM 2350: Graphics for Digital Media
In 2350 we were taught the differences between raster and vector images; and how to create and modify images for print and digital needs using Photoshop and Illustrator. Below are highlights of the class assignments. Click to view description.
Module 1 assignment: create a magazine cover (with artistic freedom)
Color selection and replacement
Photo enhancement with the healing tool and specific layer duplication
Color to grayscale using L*A*B* channels and layer effects
Halftone dot style with the Color Halftone filter
HDR image using duplicates of the same image with different exposures
High resolution mechanical for a billboard with bleeds
Movie poster , work with color filters and textures
Layer masking
Neon effect using paths, strokes, layer opacity and effects, and brush tool size
Uses of the gradient tool
Positioning text on a path, masking, and shadow effects
Repeat transformation of a shape
Lighting a 3-D object
Map artwork to 3-D objects
Dissection of the expanded live paint group
Create, modify, place, transform, and spray symbol instances
Create, modify, merge, and change the hierarchy of layers in illustrator
All Images (c) Melanie Moher