

Caitlyn Easter

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Special Projects

In 2012, I worked with a marketing firm based in South Carolina. As an intern, I worked with a team of individuals to assist with the re-branding of the company. Working directly with the CEO, we developed a brand color palette, and I designed the logo as shown. I further supported company objectives through the creation of other digital media, resulting in successful advertising campaigns and reaching the targeted market. I completed the internship as lead graphic designer and the opportunity to serve as an design consultant on future projects. Click the Inboundify logo to go to the LinkedIn profile page!

Landing Page Mock-Up

E-book Mock-Up

(Hover over me to scroll down. Click and hold me to reach the bottom!)

As a student at the University of Houston in the digital media program, we are required to develop our personal brand. This was the perfect opportunity to showcase my unique style and how I want to be represented as a digital media creative. CAITBRAND, commonly referred to as CAIT, creates multimedia such as graphics, website content or print material.

Logo Design


Color Palette

(Black & White)

(Click me for full view)