I created this postcard coupon, utilizing various methods learned in the course. The card was created for a sample bakery that I am the fictitious owner of. I included variable data and graphics on the postcards. I used Adobe InDesign and the XMPie plug-in to customize the coupons. The colors changed based on the recipient’s gender, product images changed based on the customer’s purchase pattern, etc. I also used the Kodak Preps software to impose 64 pages for Bakery VPD Coupon Cards. I imposed 8 coupons per sheet, front and back, and printed them on 13” x 19” paper. The postcards were created to be self-mailers with all the addressing information such as barcodes, locations, etc available for post office automation.
Bakery VDP Coupon
Class : DIGM 3351.
Semester: Fall 2014
Category: Graphic Production Process Control 1
Software: Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, XMPie, & Kodak Prep